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SverigeGrepen - Produced and designed by professional horse people and...
Our stockhouse in Avenches is not open 7/7. Please contact us before your visit.
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Set of single stands with cups Please note! Enter the desired color for each product in your order!
Intensity 1 (15mm) for a very light aids support. Intensity 2 (20mm) for a light and precise aids support. Intensity 3 (25mm) for a moderate and precise aids support. Indestructible unibody steel spur-tips. Silicone O-rings assure they are securely fastened and vibrations are minimized.
Lubricate all body joints - every day VIMITAL® Hyaluron 100 is a feed supplement that complements the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid that is found in the synovial fluid. Studies have shown that when hyaluronic acid is taken orally, it is easily absorbed by the blood and is led to the joints.